
Sept 3 1891

MS Girton College Cambridge, Yonge IV 26

Dear Mr Innes
The Castle Builders and Six Cushions are out of date, and need not be reprinted- unless as is just possible, Macmillan might like to purchase them for the sake of making up the set of my books. 1

Questions on the Epistles has never been of much use, so few Sunday Schools go on far enough to want them Nor has Sewing and Sowing been popular. I am sorry for Langley Little Ones for I meant it to fill a want, but there is rather a turn against stories of village children just now, so we will leave it for the present and perhaps bind it up by and by with others

Yours truly
C M Yonge

1The Castle Builders (1854), Six Cushions (1867) and Questions on the Epistles (1874) were first published by J. & C. Mozley. The rights to them would have passed to W. Smith when he took over the Mozley business. Sewing and Sowing and Langley Little Ones were both published by Smith in 1882. On 1 July 1892 CMY signed an agreement with A.D. Innes & Co. with two lists of books, one listing those to be republished only at the author’s expense with the publisher to receive 10%, and the other listing the royalties to be paid on each to the author by the publisher. Six Cushions doesn’t appear on either list (probably an oversight) but of the rest only Questions on the Epistles is on the second list. MS BL: Add.54921/198-200 is a typed copy she sent to Macmillan.

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3178/to-arthur-donald-innes-14

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