
The Close Salisbury
Aug 17th 1893

MS Girton College Cambridge, Yonge VII 4

Dear Canon Warburton
I will send £1 for dear Bishop Harold Browne’s memorial but I am away now from cheque books. I go home on Saturday however having partly come to hear the history of the wonderful surprises of Aug 11th with which the Moberly’s had much to do.1

Mrs Wordsworth is very cheerful, I hope to see her this afternoon2

Yours very truly
C M Yonge

1The celebration of her 70th birthday described by Coleridge, Life, 281-2, and Battiscombe, Charlotte Mary Yonge, 159. Both these writers give this birthday as the 13 August, although CMY in her autobiographical writings always gives it as the 11 August.
2Susan Esther (Coxe) Wordsworth (1841/2-1894), wife of John Wordsworth, Bishop of Salisbury. CMY was staying in the Close at Salisbury with Alice Moberly, the daughter of his predecessor as bishop.

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3227/to-the-reverend-william-parsons-warburton-4

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