
Elderfield Otterbourne Winchester
Feb 6th [1894]

MS Bodleian Library, Oxford: MS English Letters: e.174 ff 131-2

Dear Mr Bullock,
I will try to write Abp Sancroft1, and Bp Mackenzie but have you thought of asking Miss Awdry, Notton, Chippenham. She is the author of ‘An Elder Sister’ and would do Anne Mackenzie’s life excellently. She could also do well Henrietta Robertson, a grand missionary worker.

And have you thought of Mrs Macdougal who sacrificed so much-? Miss Awdry could well do all these. She edited the Gospel Missionary till lately when it was decided that the Editor must live in London.

I hope you will take Miss Havergal. You know there are two hymns of hers in A and M – and the way she took her poetical and musical powers as gifts to be used always struck me as most beautiful.

I see what you mean about Miss Sellon, as the work and victory she effected, but after much enthusiasm about her, I own I was much disappointed (as were others) when she came to Hursley to see her Sisters off to Honolulu. Being such an invalid herself, she did not know what was to be expected of her Sisters. However she fought the battle. I see Lincoln diocesan mag has a life of Dean Butler. Could you get leave to use that?

Yours truly
C M Yonge

1William Sancroft (1617-1693), archbishop of Canterbury. The proposed biographies, of which CMY wrote several, were for the 'Biographies of Eminent Anglicans' series, which were intended to form part of Bullock's Daily Lections project, but were not in fact published.

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3246/to-the-reverend-john-frederick-watkinson-bullock-9

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