
Saturday [22 May 1897]

MS West Devon Area Record Office

My dear Mary
You will like to know that the funeral is to be on Monday- her 48th birthday. By her own wish, she is to be carried into Church at 8 for the Celebration. Burial at 3. Hymns ‘The King of Love’ and ‘Peace, perfect peace’ her own choice.

Frances is here I wish you could pay me a real visit a little later when the house has been set to rights, but I think I shall have to go out while it is doing- only for a few days. But I would make all fit to what you could give me of time, and there will be plenty of room now.

I can’t feel yet what the difference will be

your loving
C M Yonge

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3351/to-mary-yonge-22

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