MS Mrs Clare Roels/791
My dear C C
I am sure unless we could get an amount of subscribers enough to start a new Church Packet with security, it would be vain. Could we find out? Otherwise Sir W Besant is right, and we must acquiesce. I would make Duck’s Eggs a fresh start for it is needed, but I think it is not hopeful, sorry as I am, especially that Church should be a decided drawback.2 If it eschewed Controversy Churchbuilding charity and saints I should think it might get on But men such as Canon Ashwell are hard to catch in these days FMP has changed her mind and says she won’t come, but is going to India . I have written to beg her to meet me at Waterloo and come home with me on Friday but I don’t know if she will.
I have excogitated a new end for Ducks Eggs working in the old friends. All were going out to Carrigaboola, via San Frisco- Magdalen- Paula and all, with Angela and the Bishop – also Bernard who – on holiday in England was suddenly wanted for a Travis & Underwood emergency, involving California Ship either wrecked or on fire not far beyond Liverpool (Annie Moberly wanted a woman to hide for the sake of saving a more valuable life of Man) Angela dies – putting her Sisters bonnet on someone else. All the women are saved, but Bernard is struck down by a spar left unseen, insensible He comes to himself to find Angela hanging over him, the golden curls looking like her childhood. They think they are going together, but a Ewemouth collier picks them up in time- Bernard lifted into unconscious but Angela falls in lifting him into the sea
Phyllis had had to be left at home- So you have the account in Bernard’s words to Clement
your affte
C M Yonge