MS Mrs Clare Roels/95
My dear C C
I have got a letter for M in C from Canon Lias about Red Pottage, highly contrary to yours, and which the Sumners approve He goes on the unfitness of such subjects for women’s writing or reading, and certainly I should have thought ‘incline mine heart to keep this law’ went against either inventing or making people read them and so do you- At least I recognize you as Undine You will think I am very hard on your friends but at any rate we are perfectly agreed about Mary Bramston, and I have been obliged to write an article about Higher Criticism and the Dawn of Revelation Mrs Sumner and the Council were at it yesterday at Westminster I have not heard about them yet, the Bishop of G could not go, having broken the bones of his wrist, falling down from catching his foot in a mat inside the transept door of the Cathedral.
I really think I am quite well now, as I don’t get tired with ordinary walks. Everything is splendid, such dainty young green, such apple blossom, and my round tall clump has a circle of forget me nots like a giant Christmas card
your affte
C M Yonge
I profited by your advice to make my missionarys mother marry again. He is just going to St Augustines. He will go to China and be well out of your man’s way