Related Letters
My dear Miss Smith,
I should be very sorry to let the tardiness of the Monthly Packet stand in the way of your Two Beauties so I hope you will offer them elsewhere, and find them successful. There is such a quiet prettiness about them that I am sure they ought to do. And I always have a sense of guiltiness is keeping a thing so long by me, so that I shall be quite relieved ... continue reading
My dear Miss Smith,
Thanks for the continuation, some of which we like very much, but I have a good deal to say about it, which is all the easier to do, as you tell me you were thinking of making some alterations in the re writing. First - to begin with what struck us in its order. Grandpapa’s account of his own youth is a little dull and I do not think his history of ... continue reading
My dear Miss Smith
I am glad I know you are at home that I may send you not lost but found. I have, as you desired me, taken great liberties with the correction. I think that what I have chiefly to observe is that you have here and there made it obscure by elliptical writing, and that you must beware of now which comes very often over, and I used, by my home critic, to ... continue reading
My dear Miss Smith Many thanks for your pretty old style story, which has a great sweetness about it, and I shall be very glad to get in when I can. One thing - does it not make a confusion that Isabella calls Mrs Margaret Aunt, and one other - would a lady whose daughter died under 50 speak of her as an old woman? It is not like the lady of 100 ... continue reading