Related Letters
My dear Mr Macmillan
I am here for a day or two, and I hardly think there is any need to take up your time by calling, but I am going to beg for a copy of Dean Church, Spenser, and of Professor Sharpes’ Burns.
I have never thanked for the English history lectures, of which most of the substance is excellent, but there are a few slips of detail in names &c
Yours truly
C M Yonge ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan
Thanks for the copy of the Heir of Redclyffe which is very prettily got up and attractive I never yet saw an illustrator who would avoid the height of the present fashion
I wonder whether you would think it worth while to publish a little book of stories of mine chiefly from Christmas numbers of the Monthly Packet four being historical (one not hitherto published) - one modern life, as are also two others which ... continue reading
Dear Mr Macmillan
Here is the list of materials for the little Christmas book.
The MS, and the clipping come herewith the four others must be sent by rail in the books in which they appeared. The Autobiography of Patty Applecheeks came out in an American paper, and my copy of it has been lost, but I am sending to Philadelphia to see whether I can recover it. The Wedding cake (a story of a ridiculous mistake) ... continue reading