Related Letters
Dear Madam,-
Would any Associate or Member, accustomed to cheer the blind, kindly get into communication with a Member, aged fourteen, a cottage child who is not in health for a blind school. She can knit, and read a little by Moon’s method, and has a mother and sister who can read letters to her. Her address is Annie Nargate [sic], Fergern Hill, Otterbourne, Winchester; but it might perhaps be best to write to ... continue reading
My dear Mary Helen and I are sitting outside the summer shelter for its shade She is full of histories of London where they saw everything beautifully in the Park. George – as one of the 14 Rhodesian horse, had no end of honors[sic], the mob tried to kiss their medals (which were not the right ones after all, they get them tomorrow from the Prince at Buckingham Palace) He had to ride ... continue reading