Related Letters
My dear Mrs Harrison Thank you so much for my God daughter’s photograph. Alas! I have been a very bad Godmother to her, never having a chance to come in her way, but I go so little from home and when I do, it is always to my own people in Devon.
I have not been to London even for three years! Unluckily I just missed Mrs Bland when she was staying with the Bakers at Winchester. ... continue reading
My dear Mrs Harrison, I begin to fear that ‘Katharine Charlotte’’s photograph could not have taken effect, but you see I send her (or you) one of her godmother - It was done by one of my cousins, and if any of the kind friends at Whitburn care to have the like, we are selling them for a shilling apiece, our mercenary spirit being roused by the desire to build a school for the new Church ... continue reading