
Otterbourne, Winchester.
June 5th 1860

MS Huntington Library

My dear Sir,
I have authorized M. Tauchnitz to republish “The Little Duke,” and Mr Sydney Williams tells me that he is about to apply to you for a cast of the frontispiece – I am afraid however that the lithographs can be no longer renewed, and I must reply to him that only the vignette of the little page is still to be had. I believe Mrs Blackburn had the stones broken up after the 2nd or 3rd edition.1

From what I hear, I cannot but hope that Mlle Mori is in a more prosperous state than when last you wrote, the Saturday Review was so favorable2 [sic], and after that and the Guardian, the private opinions I have heard certainly became much more laudatory – I believe Miss Roberts is just now in England, and I cannot but hope she will find her book a greater success than seemed at one time likely.

I hope by Christmas to have a story of my own ready for separate publication – now coming out in the Monthly Packet

Yours faithfully
C M Yonge

1Jemima Blackburn had provided lithographic illustrations for The Little Duke. The technology involved acid-burning a drawing using an oil-based medium on to limestone slabs for printing. It would seem from this and later discussions that the stones remained the property of the artist, and that Blackburn did not preserve hers for long.
2Saturday Review (5 May 1860) 577-8.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/1793/to-john-william-parker-jr-10

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