
[Otterbourne, Winchester.]
June 27th 1862

MS Mrs Katherine Wykes-Sneyd1

My dear Irene,

Many thanks for the photograph which I am glad to have as a much pleasanter likeness of you. It seems odd that it should have met Pena’s and as Humble Bee is staying here, we set her to guess by the old ones which of her fellow Goslings it was. The Exhibition has grievously affected the Goslings this time and few have sent in answers.2 Humming Bird3 alone has answered all. I think your Missions have the prize – they are very interesting.

Many thanks too for the Stamps. You have been very kind about them. I have not many more than 50 Last Heartsease Leaves left now, and they will be sure to go off in time, but if anyone turns up happening to want one, you will know where to apply. I have been for a longer walk than I intended and cannot write Mother Goose’s letter tonight but unless Albatross’s should come in to morrow, which I do not expect, I shall send the answers to you tomorrow as Humble Bee has seen them. Glow Worm’s answer was good, but Humble Bee’s better.

your affectionate

Mother Goose

1Address cut out.
2The International Exhibition held in South Kensington 1 May-1 November 1862.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/1867/to-henrietta-elizabeth-fursdon-6

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