
Otterbourne. Winchester.
Novr 1st 1859

MS Charlotte Mitchell.

My dear Sir,

I am much obliged by your letter received this morning, and either by today’s or tomorrow’s post, you will receive Miss Roberts’ MS1  If you decide on accepting it, I suppose it should be begun as quickly as possible, since Christmas is so near.  The proofs should be sent to me, and I should also have the copy returned with them, as there are so many Italian names for which it would be safer to refer to the MS.  I really would not have troubled you about it if I had thought it at all after the common run of ladies’ manuscripts.  I believe she thinks it should make two volumes foolscap octavo.

I am very glad to hear that the present edition of the Daisy Chain is so nearly gone.  I should wish it to be made as cheap as will bring in some degree of profit. I think it is stereotyped, and this with cheaper paper and perhaps a cheaper style of binding may reduce the price, though it is too large to be ever completely a “cheap book”.  I suppose the volumes are too thick to bear a paper binding like Miss Sewell’s.2  It must certainly continue to be in two volumes

yours faithfully

C M Yonge

J W Parker Esq

1Margaret Roberts's novel Mademoiselle Mori: A Tale of Modern Rome was published by Parker in 1860.
2Elizabeth Sewell's novels had appeared in a uniform greyish-brown paper binding.
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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/19905/to-john-william-parker-jr-16

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