MS British Library Add MSS 54920: 63-64
Dear Mr Macmillan
I have to thank you for sending me the parcel of German books, which I hope will much add to the correctness of my story. I am not sure however that one has not come for me to which I have no right –Alt-Nordisches Leben Von Dr Karl Weinhold –
Miss Keary told me that you had promised to get for her some Old Northern books, so perhaps it was meant for her. In that case shall I send it? Did you also put in Duncan’s Shipwrecks which do indeed look like a store of Golden Deeds -?
Any way I am very glad of the freight, and much obliged to you for putting me in the way of getting these books.
Will you be kind enough to have a copy of Golden Deeds sent to
Mlle Marianne von Nathusius,
She wants to get the start in translating it, before Tauchnitz’s English edition comes out. Mme de Witt is translating it into French
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge
Please to let sheets of the Clever Woman go to M. Tauchnitz, unless this has been already done. I have heard from him today about it