
May 19th [1866]

MS University of London Library/AL 293/2/2

My dear Miss Keary
Here I am in the depths of Devonshire which must account for my not having sooner answered your letter. We both got out of sorts and wanted a change so here we are, thinking this beautiful county infinitely more beautiful in spring than in autumn, the red earth and young green contrast so beautifully together.

I think it does seem wise to complete the Scandinavian sketches with Magnus, and the Siamese bits that you propose instead sound very charming, better I think than the review, unless one could be so lucky as to have both.

I read Clemency all the way down here, and was very much delighted with her, – her personally I specially mean, she is so noble and grand, and comes in so well after the trumpery women it is the fashion to put into stories now. But I think Mrs Edgecombe is the most personally engaging of all – though I am very fond of Aunt Bessie. And the way the poor Colonel was caught is excellent. I shall be here (at the Lady Seaton’s, Beechwood, Plymton) till this day week, when we go to the Revd J Yonge’s Puslinch Yealmton

yours sincerely
C M Yonge

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/2125/to-anna-maria-keary

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