MS British Library Add MSS 54921: 72-73
My dear Mr Macmillan
Very hearty thanks for your kind letter, I will thankfully correct my own careless blunders, of which I know three. I have sent to the London Library for one or two of the authorities but ‘Dahn’s great work’ is not there at all, unless it is more recent than my catalogue, and I don’t think I could properly understand it if I had it1
I will keep to the old lines of the ordinary histories and only correct what I am ashamed of now I see it.
I have sent for Dozy who writes in French and I hope I may there find what Mrs Ward means by Count Julian being a Byzantine commander, which interests me apart from the history as I have made it.
I hope in a few days to have entirely finished the Scripture readings
With many thanks
Yours sincerely
C M Yonge
I don’t generally care about criticism when I am quite sure that it is only deserved by what I cannot help.