MS West Devon Area Record Office Ac 1092/21
My dear Mary
I have just heard from Jane Moore. She is at Ramsgate, where her husband has been sent to get over an attack of bronchitis from 7 hours work at Aldershot! She and I have had a great blow in the sudden loss of Lady Susan Blunt.1 You know she was the General’s cousin, and the daughter of my mother’s old friend, Lady Nelson We always so enjoyed meeting as we did at G F S and Mother’s Union Meetings. There are no children, and what will poor Mr Blunt do at Highclere Vicarage She was such a thorough, parish worker, so good and like her good old mother
Jane says Frank is gone out to S Africa again, and Florence is at the Modder River with a detachment of the Army nurses.2
My doctor took his leave of me yesterday and I may do anything but go out after 4 till May, or in bad weather and Helen keeps guard over me! She stays till the middle of next week when Maurice and Maude come for a week- They have been seeing Jane at Aldershot
Such a wet evening
your affte