
Elderfield Otterbourne
Aug 20th [1891-3]

MS Rosemary, Viscountess Chaplin

Dear Miss Cox
I cannot promise to vote for Anne Fay but she interests me much, as I have seen a good deal of the same kind of illness and I will see whether it is possible.

I well remember the days of the Cardioscope, which I think was one of the best ideas we ever had.1 I have now a fellow Editor who has taken the MSS especially of poetry. I think she must have your verses

yours truly
C M Yonge

1‘The Cardioscope’ was a series in MP (July-November 1851). The idea was that an instrument could test the feelings of the human heart as a stethoscope does. There is a volume of poems, 1887, by Agnes Cox. CMY is evidently being asked to cast a vote in favour of Anne Fay for admission to some hospital or almshouse. There is a probable contributor called Harriet Lucy Cox (b. Waddesdon 1825/6) who later married the Rev. Arthur Baker (1817-1868) and transcribed books into Braille; it is possible that she may have been the author of ‘The Cardioscope’, and a relation of this Miss Cox.

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The Letters of Charlotte Mary Yonge(1823-1901) edited by Charlotte Mitchell, Ellen Jordan and Helen Schinske.

URL to this Letter is: https://c21ch.newcastle.edu.au/yonge/3608/to-miss-cox

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