General Bibliography
Opie Iona Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes ( 1951)
O'Donovan John Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, By the Four Masters (1856)
Orléans Anne Marie Louise d' Mémoires de Mademoiselle de Montpensier, fille de Mr. Gaston d'Orléans, frere de Louis XIII, roi de France (1728)
Olney Mary Allan Estelle Russell (1870)
O'Meara Kathleen 'The Old Castles of France'
Oliphant Margaret A Beleagured City (1880)
Oliphant Margaret The Story of Valentine and his Brother (1875)
Oakley John A Gentleman in Khaki: A Story of the South African War (1900)
Oliphant Margaret Queen Victoria: A Personal Sketch (1900)
Owen A. C. The Arts Schools of Mediæval Christendom (1876)
O'Brien Constance 'Shakespeare Talks with Uncritical People' (1878)
Osborn Robert Durie Islam under the Arabs (1876)
Ornsby George Diocesan Histories: York (1882)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane By Fell and Fjord, or, Scenes and Studies in Iceland (1882)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane The Dragon of the North: A Tale of the Normans in Italy (1887)
Osborne Dorothy The Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1682-54 ed. E. A. Parry (1888)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane ‘Sketches of Old Norse Literature’ (1890)
O'Donovan John Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland, By the Four Masters (1856)
Orléans Anne Marie Louise d' Mémoires de Mademoiselle de Montpensier, fille de Mr. Gaston d'Orléans, frere de Louis XIII, roi de France (1728)
Olney Mary Allan Estelle Russell (1870)
O'Meara Kathleen 'The Old Castles of France'
Oliphant Margaret A Beleagured City (1880)
Oliphant Margaret The Story of Valentine and his Brother (1875)
Oakley John A Gentleman in Khaki: A Story of the South African War (1900)
Oliphant Margaret Queen Victoria: A Personal Sketch (1900)
Owen A. C. The Arts Schools of Mediæval Christendom (1876)
O'Brien Constance 'Shakespeare Talks with Uncritical People' (1878)
Osborn Robert Durie Islam under the Arabs (1876)
Ornsby George Diocesan Histories: York (1882)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane By Fell and Fjord, or, Scenes and Studies in Iceland (1882)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane The Dragon of the North: A Tale of the Normans in Italy (1887)
Osborne Dorothy The Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple, 1682-54 ed. E. A. Parry (1888)
Oswald Elizabeth Jane ‘Sketches of Old Norse Literature’ (1890)