General Bibliography
Yonge Frances Mary The Child’s Christian Year: Hymns for every Sunday and Holyday, compiled for the Use of Parochial Schools ( 1841)
Young Peter Recollections of the Rev. Peter Young, M.A., late Rector of North Witham, Lincolnshire and Canon of Lincoln ( 1903)
Yonge Frances Mary 'The Fairy of the Sands (translated from the French - Paul Feval)
Young Lily Gerald and Dolly: A Story of Two Small People (1897)
Young Peter Recollections of the Rev. Peter Young, M.A., late Rector of North Witham, Lincolnshire and Canon of Lincoln ( 1903)
Yonge Frances Mary 'The Fairy of the Sands (translated from the French - Paul Feval)
Young Lily Gerald and Dolly: A Story of Two Small People (1897)