Site NameMount Clere and Mount Labouchere
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleYamatji
Present State/TerritoryWA
Colony/State/Territory at the timeWA
Police DistrictGascoyne
DateBetween 1 Jan 1886 and 31 Dec 1886
Attack Time
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed11
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsSettler(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedWinchester(s)
NarrativeThe official government report (The Governor - Statements of Rev J B Gribble (xi) Natives shot at Mounts Clere and Labouchere) to the Western Australian Governor and the Aborigines Protection Board record that Reverend JB Gribble stated '11 Natives shot at Mounts Clere and Labouchere' in the Gascoyne District (SROWA). In his 1886 text, Dark Deeds in a Sunny Land Gribble wrote 'Early this year it was reported that five natives had been shot dead by white men near Mount Clare, and about the same time two more were shot by a party somewhere in the direction of Mount Labouchere' (Gribble, JB, 1886, p 51).
Sources'The Governor - Statements of Rev JB Gribble (xi) Natives shot at Mounts Clere and Labouchere (3673/86)', SROWA, S2032, Cons 388, Item 9; Gribble, JB 1987 [1886] (Sources PDF)
Corroboration Rating***