Site NameEast of Rufus River
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleMarrawarra, Ngintait
Present State/TerritoryNSW
Colony/State/Territory at the timeNSW
Police District
Date26 Aug 1841
Attack TimeDay
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsWarrior(s)
Victims Killed7
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsOverlander(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed NotesOverland party lead by Mr Robinson, Mr Warrener and Mr Barker
Weapons UsedFirearm(s)
NarrativeAccording to a statement made by Mr Robinson, an overland party was travelling from Gundagai to South Australia. Nearing the Rufus River, after gathering stray cattle he ventured ahead of the party to look for a crossing. He encountered about 300 Aboriginal people who moved into a crescent formation. Mr Robinson gathered a party of well armed overlanders. 'On our approach they advanced, and we commenced firing: we discharged about 8 rounds each before the blacks gave the least way. They now began to retreat. We then advanced, and drove them back into the bush. During this affray about 15 were killed and wounded.' (Inquirer, August 24, 1842, p 6) The following day at Rufus River, another massacre occurred in which about 21 or more were killed.
SourcesBurke et al, 2016, pp145-179; Inquirer, August 24, 1842 (Sources PDF)
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