Site NameBruthen Creek, Gippsland
This massacre is part of a group of massacres
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleBrataualung
Present State/TerritoryVIC
Colony/State/Territory at the timeNSW
Police District
DateBetween 1 Jul 1843 and 31 Jul 1843
Attack Time
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed25
Victims Killed NotesMen, women and children.
Attacker DescriptionsSettler(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedFirearm(s), Double-barrelled Purdey(s)
NarrativeBruthen Creek is one of the Warrigal Creek group of massacres.
In 1845 William Thomas, the Assistant Protector of Aborigines recorded in his journal a conversation with a man called Hatcher: 'He said he [Hatcher] and another man had come unarmed from Gippsland. I asked him if he was not afraid of meeting the Blacks, his reply was, Blks Sir no fear of them now they would run away as soon as they see a white man but there are not many left, he said he had a Brother who had been in Gippsland from the first his name was Bunton & kept a Public house in Gippsland by the Dirty Water Holes & a cattle station joining to Mr. McAllister who was killed, that after Mr. McAllisters murder great slaughter of the blacks took place and that on his brothers station a cart load of Blks bones might be gath.rd up' (Thomas, cited in Caldow, 2020 and cited in Gardner, 1994, p 51).
Caldow (2020) and Gardner (2022) concur that the station where bones 'might be gath.rd up' referred to in Thomas's journal is Hatcher's brother-in-law Buntine's run at Bruthen Creek.
SourcesDunderdale, 1973, p.225; Pepper and de Aurugo, 1985, p.24; Cannon, 1990, p.171; Shaw,1996, p.133; Clark, 1998d, p.70, p. 99, p.110; Gardner, 2001, pp 53-61; Bartrop, 2004, pp 199-205 ; The Age, 8 Aug 1874, p 7; Gardner, 1994, p 45; The Courier, 23 Jun, 1843, p 4; Dunderdale, 2020; Caldow, 2020; Gardner, 2022,; (Sources PDF)
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