Site NameDarlington Station
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleDjadjawurrung
Present State/TerritoryVIC
Colony/State/Territory at the timePPD
Police DistrictMelbourne
DateBetween 1 Jun 1838 and 31 Aug 1838
Attack TimeNight
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed13
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsStockmen/Drover(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedFirearm(s)
NarrativeOn 23 July 1839, 'in conversation with Thomas B. Alexander, agent for Captain Sylvester Brown at Darlington Station,' James Dredge, Assistant Protector of the Aborigines' in the region, 'was informed that in the winter of 1838, 'the Aborigines took away a flock of between 800 and 900 sheep,' and [that] when Alexander's men (Captain Sylvester Brown's employees) 'located them 13 Aborigines were shot before the sheep were recovered.' (Dredge cited in Clark 1995, p.89)
SourcesClark ID 1995, p 89. (Sources PDF)
Corroboration Rating*