Site NameButchers Creek, Gippsland
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleTatungalung
Present State/TerritoryVIC
Colony/State/Territory at the timePPD
Police DistrictMelbourne
DateBetween 1 Jan 1841 and 31 Dec 1841
Attack TimeDay
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed30
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsSettler(s), Aboriginal Assistant(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedFirearm(s)
NarrativeAccording to Gippsland historian Peter Gardner, after 'the Kurnai speared cattle on the Avon River,' in 1841, a reprisal party of 12 armed settlers pursued them on horseback and after 'crossing the Mitchell, Nicholson and Tambo Rivers,' eventually trapped them at Butchers Creek, a small inlet of Lake Victoria just to the east of Metung, where they were slaughtered. The details of the massacre were later provided by Colin McLaren, one of the killers. The other killers 'were Angus McMillan, Dr Arbuckle, Tom Macalister, Colin Macalister, McDonald, Bath, Conners, Lawrence, Gilbert and at least two Omeo Aborigines.' According to Gardner, 'This list is by no means exhaustive, it being possible that Ronald Macalister was also an early participant' (Gardner, 2001, pp 49-52).
SourcesGardner, 2001, pp 49-52; Gardner, 2010, pp 3 and 9 (Sources PDF)
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