Site NameHollands Landing, Gippsland
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleTatungalung
Present State/TerritoryVIC
Colony/State/Territory at the timePPD
Police DistrictMelbourne
DateBetween 1 Dec 1842 and 31 Dec 1842
Attack TimeDay
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed6
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsSettler(s), Overseer(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedFirearm(s), Cannon(s)
NarrativeAccording to an account sent to Gippsland historian Peter Gardner by settler Ray Scott, a massacre of Kurnai people took place at Hollands Landing in late 1842, when they congregated at the site and were fired at by a cannon from a ship anchored nearby. Years later, Scott's grandfather met some Aboriginal survivors who told him of the incident. Following the killing of two shepherds at Lindenow station, 'an organised and co-ordinated drive' was organised by the owners of Lindenow, involving 'a boat with one of the Clonmel cannon mounted in its bow, and was probably manned by men from the Strathfieldsaye run...those driving across the land, on the west from Strathfieldsaye and the north and east from Lindenow, no doubt were directed by the "notorious" Frederick Taylor.' Carried out by Angus McMillan; John McLennan, overseer at Hart Run; one of the Loughnan brothers at Lindenow run; William Pearson, squatter of Kilmany Park; John Reeve, squatter of Snake Ridge; Captain Orr of Orr's Survey near Port Albert; RB Sheridan, overseer for William Odell Raymond.
SourcesGardner, 2016; Dunderdale, 1973. (Sources PDF)
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