Site NameRosewood Scrub
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Place Name
Language Group, Nation or PeopleYugara or Garumngar
Present State/TerritoryQLD
Colony/State/Territory at the timeNSW
Police DistrictBrisbane
DateBetween 1 Sep 1843 and 31 Oct 1843
Attack TimeDay
VictimsAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander People
Victim DescriptionsAboriginal
Victims Killed12
Victims Killed Notes
Attacker DescriptionsGovernment Official(s), Settler(s), Stockmen/Drover(s), Soldier(s)
Attackers Killed0
Attackers Killed Notes
Weapons UsedFirearm(s), Musket(s)
NarrativeSoldiers, settlers and stockmen chased a large group of Aboriginal people led by Multuggerah into the Rosewood Scrub, following the 'Battle of One Tree Hill'. Carried out by Crown Lands Commissioners Christopher Rolleston and Stephen Simpson, with a vigilante group of settlers, and Lt Johnstone and 10 soldiers from the 99th Regiment (Copland et al, 2006, pp 25-26). Copland estimates that 12 Yugarah people were killed (Copland et al, p 26).
SourcesSMH October 12, 1843, p 3; Copland et al, 2006, pp 25-26. (Sources PDF)
Corroboration Rating***