Related Letters
Dear Mr Macmillan I have been looking for Innes’s accounts, (I send the agreement drawn up with him and Tanner in /93.) but there is no mention of the Castle builders in it nor in any of the subsequent accounts, which go to /96. I cannot find a later one, though I should have thought there would have been one in /97.
I think the book must have been out of print when he took the ... continue reading
Dear Mr Innes, I do not suppose the understanding was ever absolutely clear, I have certainly always paid over £20 to Miss Finlaison half in summer and half in winter, and I have, as you say had £40 in summer, and £50 in winter, but I an impression that I had £10 more for the Christmas number. Indeed I am quite sure that Mr Smith gave me £10 more for the subeditor, and that I made ... continue reading
My dear Mr Price
Mr Walter Smith took the Mozleys’ business when John Mozley died and Charles retired. He was trained at Macmillans and I think he knows his profession (or what ever it is to be called) thoroughly. He is a gentleman and pleasant to deal with in all ways. I do not know the present Parker, as my dealings were with his father, but I prefer Mr Smith greatly to J ... continue reading
Dear Miss Gordon Cumming
I had an intimation from the publisher that he is going to change printers, and so that I must finish up all there is in type before August. This is keeping you, as well as many other papers back, but I hope to be able to get them in then.
Something unexpected always happens when one hopes one has comfortable space Miss Sewell’s letters went on two numbers more than I ... continue reading
Dear Mr Craik
I am afraid I am guilty about the Birthday book My consent was asked two or three years ago, and I suppose it was ignorance for it never struck me that such little scraps could be a copy right question, and it did not occur to me that I ought to refer to you. In fact I thought it a nonsensical project that would fall to pieces of itself, and as I had ... continue reading
Dear Mr Tyrwhitt
The copy right is yours. It always stays with authors in the Packet, so neither Mr Smith nor I can have any objection to Natural Beauty appearing in America
Yours sincerely C M Yonge
... continue readingDear Mr Innes
Thank you. Mr Smith generously sends me £50 in January £40 for my editorship and £10 for the subeditor. The other payments this month are for
Angela, Miss Alice Weber 10 Randolph Road Maida Hill
The Georgian Princess Miss Dempster Villa Rey Cannes
(She is author of Vera and rather a great gun, so should have full pay)
Papers on Rome The Rev Wm Jeffreys Hills Beaufort Road Winchester
St Paul Miss Selina Gaye 14 Artesian Road Bayswater
Miracle Plays Alfred Pollard Esq British Museum
Old World Legend Mrs Keir Moilliet Abbot’s Legh Malvern
I ... continue reading
Dear Mr Smith
Here is the receipt with many thanks. I ought to have returned Madge Wylie sooner. If of the right length, it would be a grand thing to have a Greek story for the Christmas number it would be so much out of the ordinary beat. I have three or four come in already, not at all bad ones - but I hope they may still be excelled
Yours sincerely C M Yonge
... continue reading